Thursday, January 28, 2010

believe it!

this is my friend, bill's food blog. his is far superior to mine, as he is a much more adventurous cook. he also takes better pictures and is a better writer. i hope that you guys will follow his blog too! i do, for inspiration and for appetite stimulation!


  1. i love bill's blog. AND yours. fun how we have all found cooking through such different paths...

    maybe over some holiday when we are all in the nati we can have a food party??

    thinking of you, and how nice and supportive you were of me when i was having my minor cooking school breakdown. nothing in comparison to what you're dealing with, but wishing i could lend you even 10% of that comfort.

    keep cooking.

  2. Wait did you do all of this today? You are bonkers girl! Im sad Im too far away to taste any of it! It all looks soooo amazing!
